Monday, February 11, 2008

Ha-olam katan (The world is small)

Today while riding the bus in Tel Aviv, I happened by chance to sit behind two women discussing sociology. Unable to restrain my professional curiosity, I asked if they were studying sociology at Tel Aviv University and thus made the acquaintance of Erica Weiss. Erica is a doctoral student in anthropology from Princeton University who is in Israel to do fieldwork for her dissertation about Israeli refuseniks (conscientious objectors).

There is a beautiful Hebrew song that begins "Kol ha-olam kulo gesher tzar me'od," which means the whole world is a very narrow bridge. I suppose on such a narrow and crowded bridge you're bound to bump into colleagues from home even in the most unexpected of places.

1 comment:

AP said...

Or, as they say in the old country, it's not that the world is small, but the layer is thin...