Thursday, March 27, 2008

A One-Week Break

Dear chaverim v'mishpocha,

I'm writing this latest post from Ben-Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, where I'm about to catch a flight to New York via London to see A. and take care of some urgent business in the Big Apple. That means no posts from Israel for a week, but I promise to begin posting again regularly once I've returned.

By the way, some of you know the funny story about my visit to a McDonald's in Jerusalem three years ago, where -- given my extremely limited knowledge of Hebrew at the time -- I could only manage to demand "Eyfo ha-dag?" ("Where's the fish?" as in McFish sandwich) from the bewildered girl behind the counter. At the airport today, while waiting for my flight, I went to a kosher McDonald's here and was able to order something called Arochat McKebab (a McKebab Meal), all in perfectly understandable Hebrew with no bewilderment. It's a small accomplishment, to be sure, but I feel that I have now redeemed myself. :-)



AP said...

But how about the fish?? They don't have fish sandwich in Israeli MacDonald's? Are all McDonald's kosher?

A Wisconsin Yankee in King David's Court said...

Ah, yes, the elusive fish. I didn't see the McFish sandwich on the menu. (I guess in Israel it would be Sandwich McDag.) I don't think all McDonalds are kosher.

carly said...

Congratulations! :-)